IOWA CITY MODERATED FORSALE NEWSGROUP   >   Automotive Repair   >   Westinghouse advantage size 1 breaker mcc bucket 7A

Westinghouse advantage size 1 breaker mcc bucket 7A

Breaker Type Combination Starter Bucket
Each MCC Bucket is in Great Condition both Externally and Internally. These buckets are 12 inches tall.
Doors available for these buckets upon request.
These Breaker Buckets fit into the following Motor Control Centers:
- Westinghouse / Cutler Hammer Advantage
If you need more photos, I can send them to you. If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them. Please be as specific as you can.
Our business has been in operation for over 20 years.

Westinghouse advantage size 1 breaker mcc bucket 7A Westinghouse advantage size 1 breaker mcc bucket 7A Westinghouse advantage size 1 breaker mcc bucket 7A