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Programming the basic atom microcontroller pic book

The Atom makes it possible to create powerful software for the Atom PIC microcontroller in days instead of the weeks required when using assembly language. This comprehensive tutorial assumes no prior experience with the Atom.
It opens with an introduction to the basic concept of the Atom PIC Microcontroller. This is followed by discussion of the most commonly used Atom Modules. The author then discusses how to use the Atom compiler and also how to use the in-circuit debugger that allows the user to step through there code command by command.
The remainder of the book has many real-world examples of programming the Basic Atom. In keeping with the integrated nature of embedded technology, both hardware and software are discussed in these examples; circuit details are given so that readers may replicate the designs for themselves or use them as the starting points for their development efforts.
More information available here: http:// /elproducts/atombook.html
* Offers a complete introduction to programming the world' s most commonly used microcontroller, the Microchip PIC, with the powerful but easy to use Atom Basic language.
* Gives numerous design examples and projects to illustrate important concepts.
* Accompanying CD contains the source files for all the projects along with supporting documentation.
* Includes projects from simple flash an LED to LCD control to timers and interrupts.
The Atom Basic Compiler is included with this book. The compiler requires a module with the Atom PIC Microcontroller to use the software.

Programming the basic atom microcontroller pic book